You Don’t Have to Be a Student To Enjoy Back To School Beauty
Confession. I like long, quiet strolls through the school supply aisles on early Saturday mornings. Like today, at the crack of dawn aka stupid o’clock, I was at Walmart and leisurely strolled through school supply aisles randomly tossing pens and cute notepads into my cart that I didn’t need but totally wanted. I think in my next life I want to be a journaler slash elaborate planner keeper slash scrapbooker. I feel like being all these things would give me a perfect excuse to buy all the cute stickers, markers, and stationary. Not to mention I’d get one of those super shelves that folds open to keep it all in. Yeah, it’s a plan! My next life I’m going to be some sort of crafter.
This is the calm before the storm. Right now you can really enjoy the organization of all the school supplies. The different colored notepads together all organized by color and sitting in neat piles. The boxes of crayons hanging safely from hooks on the wall. The pens all organized by brand in alphabetical order! If you live in New York and love school supplies I urge you to get to a store to enjoy them this week because next week the storm hits and everything will be chaos as parents make a mad scramble to get their kids everything they need for school! All that paper and all those pens are exciting but even more exciting are all the Back to School Beauty picks. I teamed up with Walmart a few times this past Summer to promote their Here for Every Beauty campaign tha...
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