Do you Have Belly Fat Even with Daily Exercise"
It’s one of life’s big fat mystery! Even after working out every single day of the week, doing multiple rounds of sneaky ab exercises without fail, that dreaded belly fat is still there! A majority of people confess that the first place that they want to get rid of excess fat is around from their waist area, and when that does not happen even with intense exercise, it can be extremely disappointing. Belly fat can be of two types ? subcutaneous fat (layer beneath the skin) and visceral fat (around the muscles and around abdominal organs). Visceral fat is considered dangerous because it puts a person at the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other life-threatening disorders. Belly fat is considered extremely stubborn because it hardly budges with intense exercise and dieting. Adding to the woes, spot reduction is a myth and triggering away meltdown of belly fat is not possible doing ab exercises alone. Elaborating the fat-burning process, breakdown of fat happens through a process called ?lipolysis.? Catecholamines, like adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are released during intense exercise, help to break down stored fat in the body, by getting inside fat cells and attaching themselves to alpha or beta receptors on these cells, and mobilize the fat molecules from within. These fatty acids are then utilized as fuel for the body to use up to gain energy. The fat cells that have beta receptors get readily involved in the fat burning p...
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