16 Practical Ways to Make Exercise a Daily Habit to Shed Extra Weight
You can definitely not outrun a bad diet, but since weight loss is all about 80% diet and 20% exercise, to sculpt out a good physique and to boost weight loss efforts, regular physical activity is a must. And you should choose the kind of workout that would challenge the body because if it does not challenge you, it wouldn’t change you. Regular exercise is not only for a great physique or to lose weight, it’s good for mental health too. To look toned, lose fat, and get healthy in general, pick up those running shoes and head out of the door! However, it’s not easy to convert daily exercise routine from a painful chore to a pleasurable activity; especially when there’s lack of motivation and have to push yourself to go through the daily grind. Now, it’s important to condition your mind to turn daily exercise from a daily and painful chore to an enjoyable activity that you should be looking forward for that adrenaline rush because when you exercise with full gusto, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that trigger positive feelings and triggers the release of “happy chemicals” such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin that play an important part in regulating your mood. So, you get to lose weight, look better, and above all, feel better with just a little bit of workout a few times in a week. All said and done, if you are still not able to squeeze in time out of your schedule for physical activity, read about some prac...
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