Wick Dreads: How To Start, Maintain, And Remove Them

But first, what are wick dreads"
Wick dreads, also known as wick locs, are one of the latest trends in dreadlock styles. They are thicker than regular dreadlocks; some people only have 6-8 wick dreads on their entire head. Though it?s often hard to track down the exact origin of a new trend, this one most likely started in the Afro-Caribbean communities in Florida. From there, it spread to mainstream popularity as rappers and other celebrities started to wear wick dreads.
The name ?wick dreads? makes the comparison to a candle wick – because the dreads are so thick, they stand up out of the scalp like a candle wick sticking up out of the wax.
How Do You Start Wick Dreads"
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There are a few different methods you can use to start wick dreads. You can have them done by a professional hairdresser, or even start them yourself at home. In general, your hair needs to be at least 6 inches long in order to start wick dreads, but you can definitely start them on longer hair as well.
Wick Dreads With Crochet Needles
This method uses crochet needles, which are special tools used for forming dreadlocks. You can use a single prong needle or a double or triple prong needle for this method.
Divide Your hair into Sections. This is an important step because this is when you decide exactly how thick you want your wick locks to be, and how ...
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