Getting to Know Rosie
What’s it like to be a cat lady who loses a beloved feline friend, then falls in love with another cat again" It’s weird. And wonderful. I lost my kitty BFF last year and wasn’t sure I’d ever find another cat to love and share my life with, but I eventually did, and it happened when I least expected it.
I wondered if I’d ever have room in my heart ?? for another feline friend after Tabs passed away last May (it’ll be a year ago this Sunday), and it turns out there was. Getting to know our new Rosie girl has been both weird and wonderful. When she came to live with us last fall, the logical part of my brain understood that she was a completely different cat than Tabs was and would logically have a different personality. I knew that was the case, but I didn’t really know it for a few months.
I get to know her a little more each day, and each day I fall a little more in love with her.
For starters, she’s the most talkative cat I’ve ever known.
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